Kiss Me and I Will Turn Into a Beautiful Princess

A young gentlemen was crossing the road to get to work, when all of a sudden a voice called out to him. "Pssst," said the voice. Then the voice said, "Over here. I am down here."

The young gentlemen, glanced around and then saw a frog. The frog stared up at the young man and said, "Kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful Princess."

The young man smiled, bent over and scooped the frog up and placed the frog into his pocket.

The frog, excited with the thought it would finally get a kiss, then realized something wasn't quite right. So the frog said again, "Kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful Princess."

The young man pulled the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it again and returned the frog to his pocket and keep on walking.

The frog, now frustrated, said, "Kiss me and I will turn into a beautiful Princess, and you can do anything--and I mean "anything" you want.

Again, the young man pulled the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and placed the frog back into his pocket.

The frog, now very frustrated, started talking a little faster, "Kiss me, I will turn into a beautiful Princess, and I will stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?"

The young man pulled the frog from his pocket and said, "Look, I'm an engineer. I wouldn't know what to do with a beautiful Princess. But a talking frog--now that is really cool."

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